Online Giving
How you can donate and help
the Assembly

Zelle® is an online app that can be used either on your phone or computer, and allows you to easily transfer funds directly from your bank to the Assembly’s bank without any fee by either sender or receiver.
Most banks offer Zelle® through their online/internet banking and mobile banking app or you can download the Zelle® app. Once you are enrolled in Zelle®, add the Assembly of Yahusha as the recipient through the email address .
Click this link to learn how to donate using Zelle:
Online giving to the Assembly of Yahusha is quick, easy and secure with the well known and widely accepted PayPal payment service. Contributions are made online from your bank checking/savings account if you have your own PayPal account, or with your debit/credit card. Please note, the Assembly does incur minimal transaction fees when receiving online donations through PayPal.
“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for Yahuah loves a cheerful giver.”
2 Corinthians 9:7