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Day 14 - 'Honor your father and your mother' in the Ten Commandments

Day 14 - 'Honor your father and your mother' in the Ten Commandments



Bible Verse: Exodus 20:12

'Honor your father and your mother, so that your days may be long in the land that Yahuah your God is giving you.'

In this commandment, Yahuah reminds us of the importance of respecting and honoring our parents. This isn't just obedience, but it encompasses the way we speak to them, our attitudes towards them, and our actions that can reflect how we regard them.

Here's an illuminating scenario: Imagine a child responds to their mom or dad's request by rolling their eyes and walking away. This disrespectful behavior goes directly against this commandment. To honor one's parents means showing respect not only in action but in words and attitudes as well.

In practice, this means engaging with our parents in a respectful and considerate manner, listening to their advice, and caring for them. The pathway to long life and blessings isn't just a matter of health practices, but it also involves our relationships, particularly our relationship with our parents.

Questions to reflect on:

  • How can we demonstrate respect and honor to our parents in our day-to-day lives?

  • Can you recall an experience where you felt you truly honored your parents? What happened?

  • In what ways can we better express our gratitude to our parents?



Yahuah, help us to value and respect our parents as you commanded. Teach us to express our love and appreciation for them in words and deeds. Remind us of the blessings that come with this obedience. Amen.

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