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Day 16 - 'You shall not commit adultery' in the Ten Commandments

Day 16 - 'You shall not commit adultery' in the Ten Commandments


Bible Verse: Exodus 20:14

'You shall not commit adultery.'

This commandment, 'You shall not commit adultery.', emphasizes the sacredness of marriage and fidelity within it. It denotes the need for purity not only in deeds but also in thoughts and intentions.

Consider this real-life family scenario: A husband frequently talks with an old girlfriend online, keeping it a secret from his wife. Though he has not physically committed adultery, the emotional connection and secrecy involved violate the essence of this commandment.

In practical application, this means being faithful to our commitments, particularly in marriage. It's not just about being physically faithful but also emotionally faithful, transparent, and honest with our spouse. The relationship with our spouse should be protected with loyalty and respect.

Questions to reflect on:

  • How can we apply this commandment in our relationships, even if we're not married?

  • In what ways does this commandment influence our view of marriage and commitment?

  • How can we uphold the values of fidelity, honesty, and respect in our relationships?



Yahuah, fosters in us a deep respect for our commitments, especially in marriage. Inspire us to lead lives of fidelity and purity, both in actions and thoughts. Guide us in our relationships to be respectful and faithful. Amen.

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