Day 17 - 'You shall not steal' in the Ten Commandments
Bible Verse: Exodus 20:15
'You shall not steal.'
This commandment forbids stealing, and it generally denotes respect for others' property or rights.
Imagine a situation where a teenager in a family takes his sibling's toy without asking, and the sibling feels distressed. This act of taking somebody's belongings without permission is a form of stealing. In our everyday lives, it is crucial to respect others' properties and rights.
In practice, this involves more than just not taking things that aren't ours. It also includes the integrity to give honest work for our pay, to give and pay fair prices for goods and services, and not to cheat or defraud others.
Consider these discussion questions:
What are some subtle ways that people ' steal' in today's society?
How does this commandment help us to understand the importance of integrity and honesty?
Can you think of a situation where you saw this commandment being violated? How did it make you feel?
Yahuah, help us to respect the property and rights of others. Cultivate in us a spirit of honesty and integrity, keeping us from any form of stealing. Amen.