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Day 29: Yahuah Mekkadishkem - The Lord Who Sanctifies You

Updated: Jan 30, 2024

Day 29: Yahuah Mekkadishkem - The Lord Who Sanctifies You
Day 29: Yahuah Mekkadishkem - The Lord Who Sanctifies You

Day 29: Yahuah Mekkadishkem - The Lord Who Sanctifies You


"Consecrate yourselves and be holy, because I am Yahuah your God. Keep my decrees and follow them. I am Yahuah, who makes you holy." 

~Leviticus 20:7-8


Yahuah Mekkadishkem, meaning "The Lord Who Sanctifies You," highlights a fundamental aspect of Yahuah's character – He is the one who sets us apart and sanctifies us. In these verses, Yahuah calls us to holiness, a path made possible through His sanctifying power. This sanctification is an ongoing process, where Yahuah continually works in our lives, molding us to reflect His purity and righteousness.


Consider a family preparing a special room for a beloved guest. They clean, decorate, and set it apart, ensuring it's a welcoming, pure space. Similarly, Yahuah sanctifies us, making us a pure dwelling for His presence. In our family life, this might look like choosing to forgive, extending grace, or standing firm in truth, reflecting Yahuah's holiness in our actions and decisions.


As a family, embracing sanctification means actively participating in Yahuah's transformative work in our lives. It involves daily choices to forsake what is unclean or unrighteous and to pursue a life that honors Yahuah. Sanctification isn't just an individual endeavor; it's a collective journey where we support and encourage each other in our walk with Yahuah.

  • How can we, as a family, help each other in our journey towards holiness?

  • Can anyone share an example of a time when you felt Yahuah was working to sanctify you or our family?

  • What are some practical ways we can set ourselves apart for Yahuah in our daily routines?



Dear Yahuah, our sanctifier, Yahuah Mekkadishkem, we thank You for Your ongoing work in our lives. Guide us as a family to live in a way that honors You, embracing the holiness You call us to. Help us to support and uplift each other on this path of sanctification. May our home be a reflection of Your purity and righteousness. Amen.


"Consecrate yourselves and be holy, because I am Yahuah your God. Keep my decrees and follow them. I am Yahuah, who makes you holy." 

~Leviticus 20:7-8


Yahuah Mekkadishkem, meaning "The Lord Who Sanctifies You," highlights a fundamental aspect of Yahuah's character – He is the one who sets us apart and sanctifies us. In these verses, Yahuah calls us to holiness, a path made possible through His sanctifying power. This sanctification is an ongoing process, where Yahuah continually works in our lives, molding us to reflect His purity and righteousness.


Consider a family preparing a special room for a beloved guest. They clean, decorate, and set it apart, ensuring it's a welcoming, pure space. Similarly, Yahuah sanctifies us, making us a pure dwelling for His presence. In our family life, this might look like choosing to forgive, extending grace, or standing firm in truth, reflecting Yahuah's holiness in our actions and decisions.


As a family, embracing sanctification means actively participating in Yahuah's transformative work in our lives. It involves daily choices to forsake what is unclean or unrighteous and to pursue a life that honors Yahuah. Sanctification isn't just an individual endeavor; it's a collective journey where we support and encourage each other in our walk with Yahuah.

  • How can we, as a family, help each other in our journey towards holiness?

  • Can anyone share an example of a time when you felt Yahuah was working to sanctify you or our family?

  • What are some practical ways we can set ourselves apart for Yahuah in our daily routines?



Dear Yahuah, our sanctifier, Yahuah Mekkadishkem, we thank You for Your ongoing work in our lives. Guide us as a family to live in a way that honors You, embracing the holiness You call us to. Help us to support and uplift each other on this path of sanctification. May our home be a reflection of Your purity and righteousness. Amen.

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