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Day 3 - The Beatitudes: 'Blessed are the meek'

Updated: Jan 19

Day 3 - The Beatitudes: 'Blessed are the meek'


The Beatitudes: 'Blessed are the meek'
The Beatitudes: 'Blessed are the meek'

Bible Verse: Matthew 5:5

Today, we're exploring another beautiful teaching from Yahusha in The Beatitudes: 

'Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.' 

This tells us that those who are humble and gentle, they are the ones who will truly inherit the earth.Being 'meek' doesn't mean being weak. Rather, it's about showing strength without being harsh, being humble, and treating others kindly. When we act this way, Yahusha says, we're 'blessed' and will 'inherit the earth'!

Imagine a day when we decided not to fight over who gets to control the TV remote but instead worked out a fair schedule for everyone. That's a little taste of what being 'meek' looks like - showing kindness and consideration towards others, even when we could try to take control.

As a family, let's choose to be meek–to show humility and gentleness in our actions. Whether it's at home, school, or when playing with friends, we can invite Yahuah into our lives by being humble and kind.


  • What are some ways we have shown 'meekness' in our daily actions?

  • How does being 'meek' demonstrate our faith and trust in Yahuah?

  • Discuss how we, as a family, can live out the teaching of this verse in our homes and relationships.

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