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Day 5 - The Beatitudes: 'Blessed are the merciful'

Updated: Jan 19

The Beatitudes: 'Blessed are the merciful
The Beatitudes: 'Blessed are the merciful

Day 5 - The Beatitudes: 'Blessed are the merciful'


Bible Verse: Matthew 5:7

The next teaching from Yahusha in The Beatitudes is: 

'Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.' 

Mercy is when we forgive others, help those in need, and show kindness. Just as we've experienced Yahuah's mercy, we're called to demonstrate mercy to those around us.

Remember a time when one of our family members or friends made a mistake that affected us, but instead of staying angry or upset, we chose to forgive them? That's an example of showing mercy. Yahusha promises us that when we show mercy, we too will receive mercy. We have experienced Yahuah’s mercy in our lives; by showing mercy to others, we get to share that beautiful gift with them.

In our daily family life, let's go the extra mile to show mercy. Let's forgive quickly, help cheerfully, and love genuinely. Yahuah promises us that the more mercy we give, the more we will receive.


  • Share a time when you showed mercy to another person. How did that feel?

  • How can we practice mercy in our daily family lives? How can we extend it beyond our home?

  • Discuss how practicing mercy can bring us closer to Yahuah and each other.

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