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Day 6 - The Beatitudes: 'Blessed are the pure in heart'

Updated: Jan 19

The Beatitudes: 'Blessed are the pure in heart
The Beatitudes: 'Blessed are the pure in heart

Day 6 - The Beatitudes: 'Blessed are the pure in heart'


Bible Verse: Matthew 5:8

Moving ahead in The Beatitudes, the verse for today's learning is: 

'Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see Yahuah.' 

Sometimes, it's easy for us to focus on looking good on the outside, but Yahusha is calling us to be pure on the inside - in our hearts.

A family is like a team. For any team to succeed, everyone must be sincere and honest, right? The same applies to our family. A 'pure heart' is sincere and honest, not hiding anything or trying to deceive others. Someone with a 'pure heart' wants to do what's right because they love Yahuah and their family, not because they want to look good to others. That's like doing your chores without being told or admitting it was your fault without being caught. When our hearts are pure in this way, the promise of Yahusha is that we shall see Yahuah’. That is, we’ll become more aware of Yahuah’s work in and around us.

As a family, let's focus on being 'pure in heart' in all we do. And in doing so, become more attentive to the presence of Yahuah in our lives.


  • Can anyone share an instance when you acted with a 'pure heart'? How did it make you feel?

  • How can we foster purity of heart within our family in our daily actions?

  • What does it mean to ‘see Yahuah’ in the context of this verse? How does a pure heart help us realize Yahuah's presence in our lives?

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