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Day 7 - The Beatitudes: 'Blessed are the peacemakers'

Updated: Jan 19

The Beatitudes: 'Blessed are the peacemakers
The Beatitudes: 'Blessed are the peacemakers

Day 7 - The Beatitudes: 'Blessed are the peacemakers'


Bible Verse: Matthew 5:9

The verse from Yahusha's Beatitudes for our reflection today is: 

'Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of Yahuah.'

 A peacemaker is someone who promotes peace and resolves conflicts, and Yahusha invites us all to be peacemakers.

Like in any family, conflicts or differences of opinion may arise among us. Remember a time when instead of fueling a disagreement, one of us intervened to calm the situation and bring about a resolution? That's the essence of being a 'peacemaker'. Whether it’s settling a dispute over a game or agreeing on a movie to watch, promoting peace is joyful work. Those who strive to maintain peace and harmony are recognized as 'sons of Yahuah'.

Let us endeavor to foster peace within our family and with everyone we interact with. After all, as Yahusha says, peacemaking is a divine task, and it draws us closer to Yahuah.


  • Share a moment when you took on the role of a 'peacemaker'. How did it affect the situation and how did it make you feel?

  • In what ways can we promote peace within our family, among our friends, and in our community?

  • Being called 'sons of Yahuah' is a significant honor. Discuss how being peacemakers relates to Yahuah?

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