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Day 1 - The Beatitudes: ‘Blessed Are The Poor In Spirit’

Updated: Jan 19


The Beatitudes: ‘Blessed Are The Poor In Spirit’
The Beatitudes: ‘Blessed Are The Poor In Spirit’

The Beatitudes

Day 1 - The Beatitudes: ‘Blessed Are The Poor In Spirit’


Bible Verse: Matthew 5:3


We're starting our journey with the beautiful teachings of Yahusha from 'The Sermon on The Mount', specifically The Beatitudes. Our verse of the day is:


'Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.' 

This suggests the importance of humility and acknowledging our need for Yahuah.

'Poor in spirit' doesn't mean lacking in material wealth. It indicates a form of spiritual humility, a deep understanding that we depend on Yahuah for everything. When we acknowledge our need and also act upon it, we're essentially inviting Yahuah to govern our lives, and that's when we truly inherit 'the kingdom of heaven.'

Imagine our family planned a fun-packed day out. Despite meticulous preparation, we lost our way. After trying to figure out the correct route ourselves, we finally chose to ask for directions. This is akin to being 'poor in spirit'. When we willingly admit that we can't handle situations on our own strength and turn to Yahuah for help, we're expressing spiritual humility.

By practicing humility in our daily family lives, we show our dependence on Yahuah. In every challenge we face, decision we make, or task we undertake, let's seek Yahuah's guidance together. This is how we can be 'poor in spirit' as family.


  • What does being 'poor in spirit' mean to our family? Can we recall any situation where we acted as 'poor in spirit'?

  • How can we make an effort to be 'poor in spirit' in our daily lives as a family? How does the promise of inheriting 'the kingdom of heaven' inspire us?

  • Discuss more ways where we can apply this verse in our everyday family life.

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