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Week 22 Bible Reading Plan

Week 22Bible Reading Plan
Week 22Bible Reading Plan

Week 22 Bible Reading Plan: Deepen Your Faith

This week's readings offer a rich tapestry of themes to enrich your spiritual journey:

  • Day 148:  Immerse yourself in Psalms 111-118, celebrating God's goodness, faithfulness, and righteous judgments.

  • Day 149:  Witness the beginning of Solomon's reign in 1 Kings 1-2. Reflect on the contrasting psalms (37, 71, 94) exploring themes of trust in God amidst difficulties.

  • Day 150:  Delve deeper into the beauty of God's law with Psalm 119.

  • Day 151:  Continue the story of Solomon's wisdom and leadership in 1 Kings 3-4.

  • Day 152:  Read about Solomon's temple project in 2 Chronicles 1, accompanied by a fitting Psalm (Psalm 72) highlighting the ideal king.

  • Day 153:  Explore the captivating poetry of love and devotion in Song of Solomon 1-8. (Note: While interpretations vary, some consider this an allegory for God's love for His people.)

  • Day 154:  Begin exploring the wisdom teachings of Proverbs with chapters 1-3, focusing on the importance of seeking wisdom and fearing God.

Join us as we delve into the scriptures and encounter God's wisdom and love in a deeper way!

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