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Week 27 Bible Reading Plan- kings in Judah and Israel, the prophet Elisha's ministry, and Jonah's ministry

This week's Bible Reading Plan dives into the Second Book of Kings (chapters 1-15) and the prophet Jonah. We'll witness the reigns of kings in Judah and Israel, the prophet Elisha's ministry, and the story of Jonah's call to Nineveh.

Week 27Bible Reading Plan-  kings in Judah and Israel, the prophet Elisha's ministry, and  Jonah's ministry
Week 27Bible Reading Plan- kings in Judah and Israel, the prophet Elisha's ministry, and Jonah's ministry

Week 27 Bible Reading Plan

Day 183 2 Kings 1-4

Day 184 2 Kings 5-8

Day 185 2 Kings 9-11

Day 186 2 Kings 12-13; 2 Chronicles 24

Day 187 2 Kings 14; 2 Chronicles 25

Day 188 Jonah 1-4

Day 189 2 Kings 15; 2 Chronicles 26

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