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Week 35 Bible Reading Plan:Ezekiel, A Prophetic Journey

Week 35 Bible Reading Plan:Ezekiel, A Prophetic Journey
Week 35 Bible Reading Plan:Ezekiel, A Prophetic Journey

Week 35 Bible Reading Plan

Day 239 Ezekiel 1-4

Day 240 Ezekiel 5-8

Day 241 Ezekiel 9-12

Day 242 Ezekiel 13-15

Day 243 Ezekiel 16-17

Day 244 Ezekiel 18-20

Day 245 Ezekiel 21-22

Week 35 of your Bible Reading Plan takes you into the world of Ezekiel,

a prophet called by God to deliver powerful messages to the rebellious nation of Israel. Witness Ezekiel's extraordinary visions, symbolic actions, and prophetic warnings. Explore themes of God's judgment, restoration, and the ultimate hope of salvation. As you delve into Ezekiel's words, be prepared to be challenged and inspired.


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